Schedule – General Meeting 2024

Friday 16 August


  1. Opening
  2. Roll call
  3. Paragraph 17
  4. Reports
    1. Chair
    2. Finance
  5. Approval of minutes from last year
  6. Award nomination presentations – maximum duration 3 minutes
  7. Motions – presentation and discussion

Award nomination presentations

Pre-recorded videos welcome! Delegates to send link to video in Google drive or other cloud storage by Tuesday 6th June, to fionna.osullivan(at)

The voting for the awards will open after the first meeting, to be done online. Delegate email addresses must be valid, and delegates must have a device that they can access that email from in order to be able to vote. Award voting closes at the end of the second meeting on Saturday.


Motion 1: YA category by Paul van Oven

We missed a YA category, and the question was can we nominate our YA authors for Children? Does not sound correct, so we came up with the following adjustments:

  • Best Work for Children: 0-12 years of age
  • Best Work for Young Adults: 12-18
  • Best Written Work of Fiction: 18+

Motion 2: Pass along funds by Dave Lally

“7.4.  : On and from Eurocon 2024, where any monies are received by any Eurocon as “pass on” funds (ie funds from any previous Eurocon or from any other source linked to such), the following will apply:

  1. This is applicable to all Eurocons henceforth: 
    1. Any Eurocon which does pass on funds (to any later one), is herein called a “donating” Eurocon. And any such shall declare such donating status at the appropriate next General Meeting;
    2. Any Eurocon which wishes to receive any pass on funds, from any previous donating Eurocon, is herein called a “receiving” Eurocon.  And any such shall declare such receiving status at their bid (under 7.2(a) above);
    3. Any pass on funds (and this includes any voluntary pass on funds- see (g) below) duly sent on to any future receiving Eurocon, from a previous, donating one, must be split into two equal amounts, by the donating one : the first portion to the next receiving Eurocon and then the second portion to the receiving Eurocon after that. And any funds made by any donating Eurocon, may be in any convertible currency and any conversion charges (if any) to the currency of the receiving Eurocon, must be borne by the latter;
    4. Each such receiving Eurocon shall, at the earliest ESFS General Meeting (as shown in (e) below), submit accounts (whether interim, provisional or final); 
    5. Such accounts in (d) above, firstly, interim (ie at the Eurocon before their own), secondly, provisional (ie during their own Eurocon) and then thirdly, final (ie at the Eurocon after their own), will show under their 
      1. income, the appropriate separate amount(s) in pass on funds received (including any voluntary pass on funds), as a credit (and from which previous Eurocon, each amount has been duly received) 
      2. expenditure, the same (or any amount(s) higher than shown in (i)), as a debit (ie then passed on, or to be passed on, in turn, to any future receiving Eurocon(s));
    6. Any Eurocon not wishing to be a receiving one (a “non receiving” Eurocon -ie it does not request any such pass on funds) may opt out of such accounts submission requirements shown in (d) and (e) above. And any such shall declare that non receiving status at their General Meeting bid (under 7.2 above) ; 
    7. Any Eurocon within (f) above, themselves and should they wish so to do, unilaterally and voluntarily, may issue pass on funds (herein: “voluntary” pass on funds) of whatever amount, they should decide (but split as per (c) above) to any future confirmed receiving Eurocon(s).  And any such voluntary pass on funds may be in addition to any already received or to be received (under (c) above) by any receiving Eurocon.  Any such donating Eurocon should declare these voluntary pass on funds at the next appropriate General Meeting,
      and then should receive a formal note of thanks from said Meeting. And re any receiving Eurocon accepting such voluntary pass on funds, must then add those amounts to the credit and debits shown in (e) (i) and (ii) above; 
    8. Any donating Eurocon, in forwarding on any pass on funds to any receiving Eurocon, may offer (and should earnestly strive to offer) an amount, in turn, that is higher than the pass on funds they themselves have received;
    9. Any receiving Eurocon in receipt of any such pass on funds and which is then subsequently unable to do itself any pass on at all (or only able to transmit an amount less than the amount(s) it itself has received), MUST, at the next ESFS General Meeting, offer an explanation to said Meeting as to the reason(s) for such.
    10. any such receiving Eurocon, re (i) above, may have sanctions placed upon it, decided at that General Meeting (and applicable immediately), should their explanation be insufficient to the members attending;    
  2. These following only apply at Eurocon 2024, to these already confirmed Eurocons:  2024/Rotterdam and 2025/Aland (and on and from the end of Eurocon 2027, these provisions may be omitted from the any future issue of the ESFS Statutes):
    1. Each may accept or refuse pass on funds, as they wish (but they must declare such at the 2024 General
    2. If either accepts any pass on funds (including any voluntary pass on funds): 
      1. they must then adhere to the conditions in —–(A)—- above but therein Meeting);
      2. re Eurocon 2024, the requirements re interim and provisional accounts (ie (in (e)) do not apply;
      3. re Eurocon 2025, the requirements re interim accounts (ie in (e)) do not apply; “
The Board’s opinion

The Board is not in favour of this motion. Many Eurocons are the national convention as well as an Eurocon. Many countries have already rules or practices that regulate the use of a surplus from a national convention. That means that there not so many countries that can take part in a pass along routine.

The role of ESFS is to administer the ESFS Awards and to decide which country will organize the Eurocon convention. It is not to handle funds between the organizing Eurocons.

Meeting 2

Saturday 17 August

  1. Vote for the motions
  2. 2025 Eurocon presentation
  3. 2026 Eurocon bid presentations and bid selection
  4. Future Eurocon bids
  5. Any Other Business